I am inclined to believe I am !(laughing out loud!)as small as my area for growing vegetables and tomatoes after I paved most of my backyard. Why, because I have heaps of tomatoes.
After the rain, I went out to the garden this morning to pick tomatoes. This is like my routine every day. It is like I am going to the vegetable shop for fresh produce. As I go inside the house, my basket is filled with zucchini flowers, mustard green, spinach, spinach and spinach (I have 3 types of spinach growing like weeds in the garden).
I did not have zucchini flowers today, however. But I have heaps of tomatoes. I sorted and put the tomatoes in containers for both refrigeration and freezing. WoW! I can't believe I had these many tomatoes.
All I am aiming is to achieve self-sufficiency, ie for example to have tomatoes till next season begins. I had achieved this for the past few years and usually I still have few tomatoes in my freezer from the previous season even before the next season starts. Isn't this amazing? I'd say YES! YES! YES!
The season is not even finish yet and I still have more tomatoes out in the garden, Sad to say my fridge and even my freezer have no more room for even one container of tomatoes(Ooops! quite an exaggeration because my sister supplied me last night 1 liter of Cadbury yummy ice cream. She knows I don't buy ice cream because I don't like to tempt myself and in the process raise my blood sugar up. Sad to say once more (really?), she usually puts ice cream in my fridge so she'll have some fun when she visits me and my mother.
I toyed in my mind the idea probably I could even start selling tomatoes. Haha! I laughed out loud--really loud! I have no ambitions along this line! I remembered what my father told me then when I first bought my house. He said, "with your spacious backyard you might even be able to supply your whole clan from your produce.." I chuckled and at the same time dismissed that idea then..I am cut out to do finer things--microdissections, drawing, crocheting, embroidery...and also piano playing (as bad as a player I am!)
Today, it seems to be a different story. I have in fact given my two sisters few containers of tomatoes plus the spinach, spinach and spinach.
As I continued sorting out the tomatoes. I just couldn't stop laughing...
As I did not even put stakes on my tomato plants,these just grow wildly in the garden that my new safety boots are complaining for scarcity of clear pathways. Further as everything (spinach, garlic etc) seems to grow in the same spots everywhere, I tend miss picking few ripe tomatoes that they consequently just fall off to the ground. By the time I see them, I thought their seeds are probably almost ready to germinate and advance to two leaf stage and higher leaf stages and voila.. more and more tomatoes. Yay!
Other times, I accidentally step on few tomatoes even before they ripen. Ouch! as I hear the crunch and see the poor thing oozing some juice spilling their seeds on the ground. Immediately I always console and say to myself, it's okay... you have heaps...
With the weird weather of rain, rain, rain and then sun, sun, sun these days, I am indeed a happy hobby tomato farmer!Yay!