(This is a picture which Brett took when we were in the balcony of my house. I took two other shots which did not turn out so good because I was so short and my camera's zooming feature is limited. That's why Brett took this shot for me)
As I am at home all the time looking after my mother, I entertain myself by doing different things. One thing I love to do and find it interesting is bird watching. I need not go far to do this because the birds are right before me. In fact, when they are around me as I work in the garden, I always tell my mother, We are in good company, Mother.Different birds visit my yard: lorikeets, cuckatoos,pigeons, crows and magpies and two other birds unknown to me. These birds have made my backyard their home. I need not feed them because there are ample foods for them to feed on--fruit trees, vegetables and seeds I just throw on the ground to grow. Also, I got huge trees which they make as their resting place.
I was at the extension of my house doing some work on my desktop computer when I caught sight of this lone pigeon. I stopped and stared at the bird, then decided to go out of the house to take this photo.
As I stared at the lone pigeon, I wondered where could its friend or family be. My, wouldn't it be lonely to be just by itself? Brett talked to me about two families of birds which made his backyard their home and how happy they are--sharing the fresh water and food he provides for them...
After a minute or so, I saw another pigeon alight,not next to the first pigeon but on the adjacent lattice. Hmmm! What's going on? They seemed to be at odds...
I watched a bit longer and soon the bird that just alighted flew next to the first one. WoW, now they seemed to want to talk... about some issues?.. Perhaps! If they wouldn't, life would definitely miserable not just for them but also the other members of their family.
After a while or so... things must have been settled.. they could but just hang around each other--each doing their own thing. How good was that!
Yes, good on them! The bird business was finished and I thought I better go inside and finish mine.